Sun Fun Club

Sun Fun Club

9:30 πμ - 7:00 μμ
9:30 πμ - 7:00 μμ
9:30 πμ - 7:00 μμ
9:30 πμ - 7:00 μμ
9:30 πμ - 7:00 μμ
9:30 πμ - 7:00 μμ
9:30 πμ - 7:00 μμ
9:30 πμ - 7:00 μμ
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89 εντός 5 χλμ.

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4,0 από 5 κύκλους41 κριτικές
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Mike Michalis H
Ίστμπουρν, UK11 συνεισφορές
5,0 από 5 κύκλους
Σεπ 2024 • Μόνος-η
went to see my fantastic friends worked for them 38 years ago the best watersports on the beach safe, clean and so much on offer Mike (Μιχάλης)
Γράφτηκε στις 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Gb M
Λονδίνο, UK14 συνεισφορές
5,0 από 5 κύκλους
Σεπ 2024 • Μόνος-η
I went on the Paleokaatratis day trip (3.5 hours) and really enjoyed it. Gave me an idea for a water taxi ride tomorrow. Nice places to stop & swim. Staff are very friendly and helpful
Γράφτηκε στις 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Γένοβα, Ιταλία1.034 συνεισφορές
3,0 από 5 κύκλους
Αύγ 2024 • Ζευγάρια
I took the 3h boat ride organized by them. In the boats there are few people, in ours there were 11 so it was fine.
I did not appreciate that the gentleman explained only to the two people in front of the helm and nothing could be heard. He lingered to make explanations that we did not understand behind and the time that made these pimps we could safely dive ..
We made 3 stops one in the cave , kastelli beach and a nearby paradise beach judged unsafe because there are too many boats.
The stop in the cave I did not appreciate better to stop at porto rummi or in another cove.
Everything costs 50€ per person a bit expensive but can be a good alternative to not being familiar with the Autonomous Guide of the boats
Γράφτηκε στις 22 Αυγούστου 2024
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Caitlin D
20 συνεισφορές
5,0 από 5 κύκλους
Αύγ 2024 • Ζευγάρια
We had a lovely boat to with Sun Fun. Even though it was a bit windy and the waves were a bit rocky, our captain looked after us well. We got to see all the different islands, cliffs and beaches along the area, and hear about some of the islands history! There were opportunities to swim, go ashore in different areas, snorkel into caves, feed the fish and even jump off the boat!

They’re a truly friendly business, reasonably priced and very welcoming.
Γράφτηκε στις 10 Αυγούστου 2024
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Linda L
14 συνεισφορές
5,0 από 5 κύκλους
Μάι 2024 • Ζευγάρια
We had best day ever. We arrived at 9.30 am. And we spent up to an hour of instruction and safety of hiring our boat for the day. Best day ever exploring the south coast
Γράφτηκε στις 11 Ιουνίου 2024
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Jacob Price
2 συνεισφορές
5,0 από 5 κύκλους
Ιούν 2024 • Ζευγάρια
Friendly staff and great service easy too book a round boat trip, Nick was our skipper he was friendly and showed great knowledge of all islands. Snorkelling was great fun plenty off fish to see as well as they throw bread into the water to attract all the fish.
Γράφτηκε στις 9 Ιουνίου 2024
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Kevin P
10 συνεισφορές
5,0 από 5 κύκλους
Οκτ 2023 • Ζευγάρια
We found this watersports company on a short holiday in Corfu, and hired a motorboat for the day to look round the islands.
They were very friendly to deal with and had an emphasis on safety, which, under the circumstances, was good.
As a couple of 'senior age' we found the whole process helpful, and we enjoyed a day visiting caves and beaches over a wide area.
Their craft was easy to operate, and great fun.
They also operate a water taxi service for access to other beaches and hire out the usual 'family' inshore items.
Thank you Sun Fun Club for a memorable day.
Γράφτηκε στις 6 Οκτωβρίου 2023
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Shane B
1 συνεισφορά
5,0 από 5 κύκλους
Ιούλ 2023 • Οικογένεια
My wife wrote a review about the Sun Fun Club in August 28, 2019. I have to say that we have visited this club every year since and we have nothing but praise for this family run business. We have developed a fantastic report with all. The girls are welcoming and friendly whilst the boys are fun loving, helpful and enjoy taking the 'mick'. Laugh along with them. Getting on the boat is a little difficult now, it's an age thing, but once aboard you are given precise instruction on how to operate both the boat and how to use the anchor. When we went this year (July 18) we were told that the wind was due to increase and we were asked, more than once, if we would like to change our booking to the following day. We decided to stick with our booking and off we went. About an hour and half into our rental the wind did increase. It increased the waves and made the boat a bit bouncy. Such fun!! There is adequate safety equipment on board. When we arrived, safely I might add, back at 'port' we were met by the 'crew' who helped us both safely ashore. Then my chance to tick off one of my bucket list's. The Jet Ski!! Did I want the 'Baby's' Jet Ski or the 'man's. Never having rid a Jet Ski before, I chose the 'baby's'. Bloody Hell!! What fun. Once I got to grips with it I had it turning on a tanner (a sixpence from day's gone by) both ways L & R and then bouncing off the ensuing wake and speeding off. I have never had so much fun in fifteen minutes as I had that day. So much in fact that I returned the next day for more of the same. Go, get yourselves there, have a laugh and a joke with the staff, get on board. Then...........get on that Jet Ski.
Jan's husband Shane.
Γράφτηκε στις 22 Ιουλίου 2023
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Kat P.
35 συνεισφορές
5,0 από 5 κύκλους
Ιούν 2023 • Φίλοι
We had a fabulous boat trip with Sun Fun Club! The boat was comfortable and fast, Rania was a superb captain with great local knowledge and even provided us with fresh cherries when we stopped for a swim 😊 the local coastline is beautiful and swimming in the turquoise water was fabulous. I would highly recommend this professional and friendly company.
Γράφτηκε στις 22 Ιουνίου 2023
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Λονδίνο, UK3 συνεισφορές
5,0 από 5 κύκλους
Οκτ 2022
Hired a boat from them at the end of October, it was a 30bhp outboard motor all digitally controlled.

Really great customer service, the hire costing EUR95 plus fuel spend for a full day (ending at 4pm due to time of year).

As first timers, they helped us through reviewing the boat, understanding the basic safety procedures etc required. We were then allowed to explore within a large given area, anchoring the boat as we wished and enjoying the gorgeous crystal clear seas.

Super great fun, would recommend to any couple or family looking for a unique experience!
Γράφτηκε στις 21 Οκτωβρίου 2022
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Εμφανίζονται αποτελέσματα 1-10 από 41
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Sun Fun Club (Άγιος Γεώργιος, Ελλάδα) - Κριτικές - Tripadvisor

Άγιος Γεώργιος: Όλα τα ξενοδοχείαΆγιος Γεώργιος: Προσφορές ξενοδοχείωνΆγιος Γεώργιος: Ξενοδοχεία τελευταίας στιγμήςΞενοδοχεία κοντά σε: Sun Fun Club
Άγιος Γεώργιος: Όλες οι δραστηριότητες
Ευεξία και Σπα, Άγιος Γεώργιος
ΕστιατόριαΠτήσειςΤαξιδιωτικές ιστορίεςΚρουαζιέρεςΕνοικιάσεις αυτοκινήτων