Radonova House, Ethnic & Historical Museum

Radonova House, Ethnic & Historical Museum

Radonova House, Ethnic & Historical Museum
9:00 πμ - 1:00 μμ, 2:00 μμ - 5:30 πμ
9:00 πμ - 1:00 μμ
2:00 μμ - 5:30 πμ
9:00 πμ - 1:00 μμ
2:00 μμ - 5:30 πμ
9:00 πμ - 1:00 μμ
2:00 μμ - 5:30 πμ
9:00 πμ - 1:00 μμ
2:00 μμ - 5:30 πμ
9:00 πμ - 1:00 μμ
2:00 μμ - 5:30 πμ
Διάρκεια: 1-2 ώρες
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4,0 από 5 κύκλους5 κριτικές
Πολύ καλή
Πολύ κακό

4,0 από 5 κύκλους
Ιούλ 2019 • Μόνος-η
Экспонаты отражают историю Банско и окружающей местности. Предметы обихода, костюмы, украшения, исторические документы. Полчаса на осмотр достаточно. Внимательный персонал.
Γράφτηκε στις 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2020
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Νις, Σερβία
5,0 από 5 κύκλους
Απρ 2019 • Οικογένεια
This house is great for kids and adults. This house have a beautiful garden. Host is very good. Price is good too.
Γράφτηκε στις 3 Μαΐου 2019
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Emine T
Κωνσταντινούπολη, Τουρκία
4,0 από 5 κύκλους
Φεβ 2019 • Φίλοι
Geleneksel Bulgar mimarisin klasik örneklerinden biri. Ben gittiğimde öğle molası sebebi ile kapalıydı.
Γράφτηκε στις 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2019
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Χάιφα, Ισραήλ
5,0 από 5 κύκλους
Ιαν 2019 • Μόνος-η
A very good place to visit when you want to take a day off skiing. The guide was really good, explained everything very well in English and made me feel involved in all the stories of Bansko. After the visit, I felt totally different in the old town of Bansko, the spirit there is truly magical.
Γράφτηκε στις 30 Ιανουαρίου 2019
Αυτή η κριτική είναι η υποκειμενική γνώμη ενός μέλους του Tripadvisor και όχι η γνώμη της Tripadvisor LLC. Το Tripadvisor πραγματοποιεί ελέγχους στις κριτικές.

Phillippo Bansko
Μπάνσκο, Βουλγαρία
3,0 από 5 κύκλους
Σεπ 2018 • Φίλοι
The exposition held at the old house traces the historical development of Bansko since its formation to the Liberation in 1912. Bansko has an important place in our national history and in the process of strengthening the Bulgarian national spirit. During XVIII c. the residents of Bansko carried out trading activities on the territory of the Ottoman Empire and many other European countries. Bansko was gradually established as a center of spirituality and educational activity. Its population had the most active participation in the national liberating fights of the Bulgarian people. All those processes are represented with the help of materials, connected to the rich literary activity, the activity of the community centers and educational institutions, the constant fights with the oppressor.

On the ground floor of the restored farm buildings, interesting finds from the archeological research in the region are exhibited. Ceramic fragments and whole dishes that remained intact, a collection of various coins, abundance of glass, fine jewellery, etc. point to the fact that there was activity in the region back at Thracian times, and it continued throughout Antiquity and the Middle Ages.

Over 100 sites have been registered in the district area, all of which are part of the Archeological Map of Bulgaria. Three archeological sites on the territory of Bansko Municipality have been completely examined, as follows:

In Shipotsko area, remains of an early Christian basilica (IV – VI c.) have been found, with its adjoining premises and small medieval church built later in the naos of the basilica. In the south, remnants of medieval houses (IX – XII c.) have been found. The medieval necropolis church has also been examined.

In Sveti Ivan area, Thracian fire sanctuary has been found, which was used for religious practices even in later periods. In the region around the water depository, kilns for construction ceramics have been examined, forming the biggest ceramic manufacturing center of the late medieval perios (IV – VI c.) on our territory, registered until now and most completely preserved.

Archeological excavations in Karagonsko and Sveti Nikola areas are underway.

The foundations of an early Christian basilica with one nave and one apse, having traces of later construction additions have been discovered at Sveti Nikola Plateau. A fortress taking up a considerable territory is now being examined. Part of a fortress wall and a watch-tower have been discovered, as well as a lot of walls, preserving a height of 3.2 m at some places and forming dwellings of different size. Ceramic tiles flooring and part of a canal have been found. A necropolis has been examined, which dates back, as inferred by the coins found in it, to the period between III and XVII century.

A rich ethnographic exposition in a unique way presents the essence and peculiarities of the local material culture - household objects, instruments of labor, variety of every-day and festival costumes, impressive jewellery and colourful fabrics. Presence of urban elements is easy to see, illustrating the progress of Bansko residents, their interaction with European achievements and their constant pursuit of innovation and perfection.
Γράφτηκε στις 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018
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Radonova House, Ethnic & Historical Museum (Μπάνσκο, Βουλγαρία) - Κριτικές - Tripadvisor

Μπάνσκο: Όλα τα ξενοδοχείαΜπάνσκο: Προσφορές ξενοδοχείωνΜπάνσκο: Ξενοδοχεία τελευταίας στιγμής
Μπάνσκο: Όλες οι δραστηριότητες
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